Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Call for Papers to Be Published by Springer Nature in Book Series Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, Deadline: May 18, 2020


   Transactions on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence


         Paper Submission Deadline (EXTENDED): May 18, 2020

             The 2020 World Congress in Computer Science,
         Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'20)

Co-Located: July 27-30, 2020, Luxor (MGM), Las Vegas, USA
In case of hesitation by some authors/speakers to travel during Year 2020
(due to Coronavirus), the CSCE Steering Committee has developed a policy
for Non-Attendance. In summary, for Year 2020, the non-attendance by any
registered author would not negatively impact the publication of his/her
paper (i.e., for Year 2020, formal presentation is optional.) Having said
the above, based on a survey conducted recently, we anticipate that the
majority of speakers/authors to physically attend the CSCE 2020 Congress
in late July. For more information see: the NON-ATTENDANCE POLICY:

All accepted papers will be published by Springer Nature in research book
series: Transactions on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence.
The books will be widely disseminated (to over 1,000 libraries) and will
be accessible by tens of thousands of individuals). It should be noted
that publication of papers in research books would permit each paper to
be quite comprehensive (if need be) and so the publication value would
be comparable to journal publications and thus would be listed as such
in the list of research contributions by most individuals. Our set of
previous published books by Springer and others received the top 25%
downloads in their respective fields with many papers receiving over
100 citations (some received over 700 citations).


   Conferences Include: ACC'20 (Applied Cognitive Computing), BIOCOMP'20
   (Bioinformatics & Computational Biology), BIOENG'20 (Biomedical Eng.),
   CSC'20 (Scientific Computing), EEE'20 (e-Learning, e-Business,
   Enterprise Information Systems, & e-Government), ESCS'20 (Embedded
   Systems, Cyber-physical Systems & Applications), FCS'20 (Foundations
   of Computer Science), FECS'20 (Frontiers in Education: CS, CE, STEM,
   ABET), GCC'20 (Grid, Cloud, & Cluster Computing), HIMS'20 (Health
   Informatics & Medical Systems), ICAI'20 (Artificial Intelligence),
   ICDATA'20 (Data Science), ICOMP'20 (Internet Computing & IoT),
   ICWN'20 (Wireless Networks), IKE'20 (Information & Knowledge Eng.),
   IPCV'20 (Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition),
   MSV'20 (Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Methods), PDPTA'20
   (Parallel & Distributed Processing Techniques & Applications), SAM'20
   (Security & Management), SERP'20 (Software Eng. Research & Practice),

   The CSCE Congress is among the top five largest international annual
   gathering of researchers in computer science, computer engineering &
   applied computing. We anticipate to have attendees from about 75
   countries and territories. To get a feeling about the conferences'
   atmosphere, see some delegates photos available at (over 2,000 photos):


   Publisher:  Springer Nature - Book Series:
      Transactions on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence

   Indexation: Subject to Springer science indexation which includes:
      online Springer Link (, Scopus
      (, SCI Compendex, EI Compendex (,
      EMBASE, Web of Science, Inspec, ACM digital library, Google
      Scholar, EBSCO, and others.

   Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading
   them to the evaluation web site at:
   Submissions must be uploaded by the due date (see IMPORTANT DATES) and
   must be in either MS doc or pdf formats (maximum of 10 pages for Regular
   Research Papers; maximum of 6 pages for Short Research Papers; and
   maximum of 3 pages for Extended Abstract/Poster Papers - the number of
   pages includes all figures, tables, and references). ALL REASONABLE
   TYPESETTING FORMATS ARE ACCEPTABLE (many authors use Springer's
   one-column style format for their submissions or IEEE style format:
   later, the authors of accepted papers will be asked to follow a
   particular typesetting format to prepare their final papers for
   publication). Papers must not have been previously published or currently
   submitted for publication elsewhere.

   The first page of the paper should include the followings:
      - Title of the paper
      - Name, affiliation, postal address, and email address of each
        author (identify the name of the Contact Author)
      - Abstract (between 100 and 120 words)
      - A maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the
        work described in the paper
      - Write the type of the submission as "Regular Research Paper",
        "Short Research Paper", or "Extended Abstract/Poster Paper".
      - The actual text of the paper can start from the first page
        (space permitting).
      Submissions are to be uploaded to the submission/evaluation web site
      portal at

   Type of Submissions/Papers:

     - Full/Regular Research Papers (maximum of 10 pages):
       Regular Research Papers should provide detail original research
       contributions. They must report new research results that
       represent a contribution to the field; sufficient details and
       support for the results and conclusions should also be provided.
       The work presented in regular papers are expected to be at a
       stage of maturity that with some additional work can be published
       as journal papers.

     - Short Research Papers (maximum of 6 pages):
       Short Research Papers report on ongoing research projects. They
       should provide overall research methodologies with some results.
       The work presented in short papers are expected to be at a stage
       of maturity that with some additional work can be published as
       regular papers.

     - Extended Abstract/Poster Papers (maximum of 3 pages):
       Poster papers report on ongoing research projects that are still
       in their infancy (i.e., at very early stages). Such papers tend
       to provide research methodologies without yet concrete results.

   Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for
   originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases
   of contradictory recommendations, a member of the conference program
   committee would be charged to make the final decision (accept/reject);
   often, this would involve seeking help from additional referees.
   Papers whose authors include a member of the conference program
   committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded review process.
   (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be considered
   for discussion/panels).


   Authors who have already received a decision on their papers are to
   follow the instructions and meet the deadlines that appeared in
   the notification that they have received.

   May  18: 2020:     Submission of papers:
                      - Full/Regular Research Papers (maximum of 10 pages);
                      - Short Research Papers (maximum of 6 pages);
                      - Abstract/Poster Papers (maximum of 3 pages)
   May  27, 2020:     Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
   June 05, 2020:     Final papers + Copyright + Registration
   July 27-30, 2020:  The 2020 World Congress in Computer Science,
                      Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
                      (CSCE'20: USA);
                      Including affiliated federated/joint conferences

   Questions and inquiries should be sent to:
   CSCE'20 Conference Secretariat: