Thursday, March 16, 2017

Call for Papers with Submission Deadline of March 24, 2017: World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'17), July 17-20, 2017, Las Vegas, U.S.A.

                         CALL  FOR  PAPERS

              Paper Submission Deadline: March 24, 2017

             The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science,
         Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (CSCE'17)

         July 17-20, 2017, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, USA


    March 24, 2017:    Submission of papers:
                       - Full/Regular Research Papers (maximum of 7 pages);
                       - Short Research Papers (maximum of 4 pages);
                       - Abstract/Poster Papers (maximum of 2 pages)
    April 12, 2017:    Notification of acceptance (+/- two days)
    May 5, 2017:       Final papers + Copyright + Registration
    July 17-20, 2017:  The 2017 World Congress in Computer Science,
                       Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
                       (CSCE'17: USA);
                       Including affiliated federated/joint conferences


We anticipate having between 1,000 and 2,000 participants in the Congress.
The congress includes 20 major tracks
( ) composed of: 105
technical, research, and panel sessions as well as a number of keynote
lectures and tutorials; all will be held simultaneously, same location
and dates: July 17-20, 2017. Last year, the Congress had attracted
speakers/authors and participants affiliated with over 176 different
universities (including many from the top 50 ranked institutions), major
IT corporations (including: Microsoft, Google, Apple, SAP, Facebook,
Oracle, Amazon, Yahoo, Samsung, IBM, Ebay, GE, Siemens, Philips, Ericsson,
BAE Systems, Hitachi, NTT, ...), major corporations (including: Exxon
Mobil, Johnson & Johnson, JPMorgan Chase, PetroChina, GlaxoSmithKline,
HSBC, Airbus, Boeing, Hyundai, ...), government research agencies (NSF,
NIH, DoE, AirForce, NSA National Security Agency, ...), US national
laboratories (including, NASA, ANL, LLNL, Sandia, ORNL, Lawrence Berkeley
National Lab, Los Alamos National Lab, National Cancer Institute,
NIST, ...), and a number of Venture Capitalists as well as distinguished
speakers discussing Intellectual Property issues. Last year, 55% of
attendees were from academia, 24% from industry; 20% from government and
funding agencies; and 1% unknown. About half of the attendees were from
outside USA; from 74 nations.


The Congress is composed of a number of tracks (joint-conferences,
tutorials, sessions, workshops, poster and panel discussions); all will
be held simultaneously, same location and dates: July 17-20, 2017. For
the complete list of joint conferences, see below (more detailed
information appears at: )

o ABDA'17:
  The 4th International Conference on Advances in Big Data Analytics
o ACC'17:
  The 1st International Conference on Applied Cognitive Computing
  The 18th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
o BIOENG'17:
  The 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences
o CSC'17:
  The 15th International Conference on Scientific Computing
o DMIN'17:
  The 13th International Conference on Data Mining
o EEE'17:
  The 16th International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise
  Information Systems, and e-Government
o ESCS'17:
  The 15th International Conference on Embedded Systems, Cyber-physical
  Systems, and Applications
o FCS'17:
  The 13th International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science
o FECS'17:
  The 13th International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer
  Science and Computer Engineering
o GCC'17:
  The 13th International Conference on Grid, Cloud, and Cluster Computing
o HIMS'17:
  The 3rd International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems
o ICAI'17:
  The 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
o ICOMP'17:
  The 18th International Conference on Internet Computing and IoT
o ICWN'17:
  The 16th International Conference on Wireless Networks
o IKE'17:
  The 16th International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering
o IPCV'17:
  The 21st International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision,
  & Pattern Recognition
o MSV'17:
  The 14th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and
  Visualization Methods
o PDPTA'17:
  The 23rd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
  Techniques and Applications
o SAM'17:
  The 16th International Conference on Security and Management
o SERP'17:
  The 15th International Conference on Software Engineering Research
  and Practice

July 17-20, 2017, USA.

All conferences listed above will be held simultaneously; i.e., same
location and dates.


You are invited to submit a paper for consideration. All accepted papers
will be published in printed conference books (ISBN), imprinted by the
American Council on Science and Education, and distributed/published by
CSREA (Computer Science Research, Education, and Applications Press).
The proceedings will also be made available online. The printed
proceedings/books will be available for distribution on site at the
conference. The books will be indexed in science databases, including
EBSCO (, one of the largest subject index systems, and
others. ACM Digital Library is also including the titles into its databases
as well as ProQuest indexing databases and others.

In addition, like prior years, extended versions of selected papers
(about 40%) will appear in journals and 15 edited research books;
publishers include, Springer, Elsevier, BMC, and others). Each book in
each series will be subject to Elsevier and Springer science indexing
products (which includes: Scopus,; SCI Compendex,
Engineering Village,; EMBASE,; and others).
See the web link below for a small subset of such publications: (some of
these books and journal special issues have already received the top 25%
downloads in their respective fields and/or identified as "Highly Accessed"
by publishers and/or science citation index trackers.)

Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site at: . Submissions
must be uploaded by the due date (see IMPORTANT DATES) and must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (7 pages for Regular Research Papers; 4
pages for Short Research Papers; 2 pages for Extended Abstract/Poster
Papers - the number of pages include all figures, tables, and references).
All reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of
accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format
to prepare their final papers for publication; these formatting
instructions appear at the submission web site and they conform to the
two-column IEEE style format). Papers must not have been previously
published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.

The first page of the paper should include the followings:
   - Title of the paper
   - Name, affiliation, postal address, and email address of each author
     (identify the name of the Contact Author)
   - Abstract (between 100 and 120 words)
   - A maximum of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the work
     described in the paper
   - Write the type of the submission as "Regular Research Paper",
     "Short Research Paper", or "Extended Abstract/Poster Paper".
   - The actual text of the paper can start from the first page (space
   Submissions are to be uploaded to the submission/evaluation web site
   portal at

Type of Submissions/Papers:

  - Full/Regular Research Papers (maximum of 7 pages):
    Regular Research Papers should provide detail original research
    contributions. They must report new research results that represent
    a contribution to the field; sufficient details and support for
    the results and conclusions should also be provided. The work
    presented in regular papers are expected to be at a stage of maturity
    that with some additional work can be published as journal papers.

  - Short Research Papers (maximum of 4 pages):
    Short Research Papers report on ongoing research projects. They
    should provide overall research methodologies with some results.
    The work presented in short papers are expected to be at a stage
    of maturity that with some additional work can be published as
    regular papers.

  - Extended Abstract/Poster Papers (maximum of 2 pages):
    Poster papers report on ongoing research projects that are still in
    their infancy (i.e., at very early stages). Such papers tend to
    provide research methodologies without yet concrete results.

Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for
originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of
contradictory recommendations, a member of the conference program
committee would be charged to make the final decision (accept/reject);
often, this would involve seeking help from additional referees. Papers
whose authors include a member of the conference program committee will
be evaluated using the double-blinded review process. (Essay/philosophical
papers will not be refereed but may be considered for discussion/panels).


The Congress will be composed of research presentations, keynote lectures,
invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and poster
presentations. In recent past, keynote/tutorial/panel speakers have
included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer, architecture, U. of California,
Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as Father of Nanotechnology), Prof.
John H. Holland (known as Father of Genetic Algorithms; U. of Michigan),
Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of Grid Computing; U. of Chicago & ANL),
Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U. of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry
Vercoe (Founding member of MIT Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as
X-man, developer of X Window System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known
as Father of Genetic Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey
(NIH Program Director, U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer,
U. of Southern California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and
Consultant), Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard U.),
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head,
NASA Mars Exploration Program 2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation & Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director, NASA's
JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow of IEEE,
ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus, McMaster U. and
U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive Director, CERIAS and
Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep Chatterjee (Vice President &
Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace Systems, Inc.), Prof. Haym Hirsh
(Dean, Cornell University - formerly at Rutgers University, New Jersey,
USA and former director of Division of Information and Intelligent Systems,
National Science Foundation, USA), Prof. Victor Raskin (Distinguished
Professor, Purdue University, USA); Prof. Alfred Inselberg (School of
Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv U, Israel; Senior Fellow, San Diego
Supercomputing Center; Inventor of the multidimensional system of Parallel
Coordinates and author of textbook); Prof. H. J. Siegel (Abell Endowed
Chair Distinguished Professor of ECE and Professor of CS; Director, CSU
Information Science and Technology Center (ISTeC), Colorado State University,
Colorado, USA); Prof. Amit Sheth (Fellow of IEEE and LexisNexis Eminent
Scholar; Founder/Executive Director, Ohio Center of Excellence in
Knowledge-enabled Computing (Kno.e.sis) and Professor of Computer Science,
Wright State University, Ohio, USA); Dr. Leonid I. Perlovsky (Harvard
University, USA and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Medical
School Athinoula Martinos Brain Imaging Center; and The US Air Force
Research Lab., USA; CEO, LP Information Technology, USA and Chair of IEEE
Task Force on The Mind and Brain; Recipient of John McLucas Award, the
highest US Air Force Award for basic research); Dr. James A. Crowder (Chief
Engineer, Raytheon Intelligence, Information, and Services; Aurora,
Colorado, USA); Prof. Yaroslav D. Sergeyev (Distinguished Professor, Head
of Numerical Calculus Laboratory University of Calabria, Rende, Italy and
part-time Professor of Lobachevsky State University, Russia); and many
other distinguished speakers.

The Congress is among the top five largest annual gathering of researchers
in computer science, computer engineering and applied computing. We
anticipate to have attendees from about 75 countries and territories. To
get a feeling about the conferences' atmosphere, see some delegates
photos available at:
2016 Congress:
2015 Congress:
2014 Congress:
Past 10 years:

An important mission of The Congress is "Providing a unique platform for a
diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities (such
as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies, and
research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also attempts
to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as their main
mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that have research
as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to achieve its
institution and geography diversity objectives."

The information that appears in this announcement is correct as of
January 9, 2017.


Questions and inquiries should be sent to:
CSCE'17 Conference Secretariat: